Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Benefits of a regular yoga practice by Caroline Kelley

Benefits of a regular yoga practice

            Even if you occasionally practice yoga I'm sure you will appreciate some of the benefits. When we find the right teacher, we leave our practice feeling nourished, revitalized and whole.

            Fitting a regular practice into our schedule can sometimes be challenging, however for all the reasons that we don't make it on the mat, there are many more benefits. In fact the very reasons why we might not practice regularly are often the very reasons why a yoga practice would do us good. Many people find that they have more energy when they practice more than once a week, sleep better and have a much more positive outlook on life.

          Yoga is widely recognized as a practice which improves flexibility, strength and posture. These can be both esthetically pleasing as well as pain relieving.

Another point of view to consider is that an upright posture gives the impression that we are confident and alert, while a slouching positive can portray lack of confidence and motivation. These simple expressions can make or break us professionally and personally. Body consciousness and the subtle energies that we radiate out become more apparent to a seasoned Yogi.

            What may be less obvious is that yoga has the potential to maintain healthy and efficient internal organs.  Yoga promotes a stronger slower pulse rate which comes with good health, Yoga also decreases our respiratory rate. The combined benefits are numerous two of which are reduced stress and a stronger healthier immune system.

            Yoga postures massage the internal organs, thus improving organ functions and their ability to prevent disease. Twisting postures for example have the potential to relieve constipation, and postures that open the lower abdomen help relieve menstrual cramps.

            Practicing yoga helps to regulate and control hormone secretion. An improved endocrine system keeps hormones in balance and promotes better overall physical and emotional health for both men and women.

            Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois was renowned for saying 'practice and all is coming'.

Yoga is not another fitness routine, it is an investment in whole health and wellbeing. As the benefits of yoga become better recognized more and more people are approaching yoga as a health plan.

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