Thursday, March 29, 2012

Transform! 8 Weeks Bootcamp

Do you feel like you've lost focus and motivation and fallen out of shape? Transform! might be exactly what you need to jump start your fitness and get you back on track.

This 6 day a week, 8 week program unites 4 training disciplines (fitness, yoga, pilates and circuit arts) with the intention of transforming your body and your attitude.

Here's the training schedule:
Method Training with Reed Taylor: Mon/Wed/Fri
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga with Gizella Donald: Tue/Thu/Sat

Yoga - Ashtanga Yoga Based on the Primary Series. Learn to deepen your practice effectively and safely. Receive correct and deep adjustments to achieve maximum benefit of the asanas. Learn and build on poses in each session to gain stamina, endurance and flexibility. Develop the strong and fluid yoga practice you have always dreamed of!

The cost of the program is $495 for 8 weeks (48 classes).

Ready to transform? Sign up now!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yoga For Urbanites: Get to the Root of Upper Back Tension

Barbie Levasseur is a new (and awesome) teacher at yoga mayu. Here's her advice on dealing with upper back tension! Sign-up for one of her classes to learn more!

"You may be surprised to know that tight chest muscles are often the culprit behind aching shoulder, upper back, and neck muscles. Writing e-mails, texting friends or driving to work, we spend most of the day in one position: seated with our shoulders slumped and our arms out front. With our body in this shape, our chest muscles are at their shortest, and over time they tighten to stay this way. In turn, when the chest muscles are shorter, the we tend to slouch even more—it's a vicious cycle. In response, the muscles in the upper back, shoulders, and neck compensate, becoming tired, sore, tense, and overstretched.

Want some proof in your own body? Take a moment to get up from your computer and find a doorway. With a 'cactus arm' (your upper arm parallel to the floor at shoulder height, and your elbow bent at 90 degrees so your finger tips point up toward the ceiling), press your palm and forearm against the door frame then shuffle forward until you feel a stretch across the front of the shoulder and chest. Hold this for 20-30 seconds. When you release the stretch, notice the relief you feel in your upper back, shoulders, and neck. Next time you feel like stretching your upper back at work, try this instead!

For lasting results, become a regular at my 8:15pm Mellow Flow classes on Monday and Thursday evenings, in which we take the time to stretch deeply into the chest muscles and to strengthen the upper back muscles that support healthy posture. As you bring the body back into balance, you'll put the kibosh on that vicious cycle of slumping shoulders and shortening chest muscles, you'll notice yourself sitting taller, and you'll enjoy more ease around the shoulders, upper back and neck."

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Practice Supta Baddha Konasana at Home

Feeling a little out of sorts today? Let Caroline Kelley walk you through Supta Baddha Konasana, a gentle pose you can try at home:

"This pose has numerous benefits and can be practiced with all the props demonstrated here, or if your back and knees feel happy without support you can simple practice without support.

Physically, this pose can help relieve lower back pain, tense abductor muscles on the inside of the highs can distort the pelvic in such way that causes lower back pain. This pose also helps relieve menstrual cramps and indigestion. Another wonderful benefit is that this posture is a great way to relieve stress and anxiousness. If you are feeling anxious, I recommend laying blankets over you to reduce any feeling of vulnerability.

Practice this in a quiet place, where you can rest for ten or so minutes. Make sure that the cushions behind the ribs are positioned so that you can tuck the tail bone gently towards the heels and therefore relieve any discomfort in the lower back.

Once here take a deep breath into your belly, filling it up like a balloon, as if taking the breath deep down into the lungs, and then relax completely as you exhale. Do this exaggerated practice until you are able to find an easy, relaxed and soothing motion of breath.

Let your eyes and tongue relax, you will notice that the whole body relaxes even more with just those two simple things. Feel the motion of the breath and let it soothe you into deep surrender.

If you feel on the verge of an anxiety attack child's pose will be more suitable, bringing the head and heart down to earth along with abdominal breathing helps calm the nervous system."

Come try it out with Caroline at Yoga Mayu, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30am to 8:30am.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Dhanurasana: Caroline Kelley's Pose of the Month

If you head to one of Caroline Kelley's vinyasa classes this month, you can expect to get a little extra emphasis on her asana of the month: Dhanurasana.

Here's what Caroline has to say about this heart opening pose:

"This month we will explore Bow Pose in varying forms and of course suitable modifications for Beginning level and Yin practice

Benefits and effects of this asana:
Strengthens and balances the spinal muscles. Relieves hypertension in the hip flexors. Opens the chest and encourages an upright posture, as well as healthy breathing patterns."

Come try it out with Caroline at Yoga Mayu, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30am to 8:30am.